Parallax, Inc.

Parallax, Inc. - Parallax, Inc. manufactures microcontrollers and microcontroller development tools. LCDs, AppKits and other related products are also available. Parallax, Inc. produces BASIC Stamp® single-board computers as well as development tools for PIC12/16Cxx® microcontrollers.
Nyeste produkter

Parallax BME680 Environmental Sensor combines a gas sensor with air pressure, humidity, and ambient air temperature sensing functions.

Dato: 2019-09-25

Parallax cyber:bot Robot Kit with micro:bit adds a tangible hardware dimension to Python-focused computer science, CTE, and cybersecurity programs.

Dato: 2019-04-12

Parallax ActivityBot 360° Robot Kit is used to build transferable skills in middle school, high school or college robotics.

Dato: 2018-01-22

Parallax Feedback 360° High Speed Servo is a light-duty standard servo, continuous rotation servo, high-speed servo, and encoder housed in one package.

Dato: 2017-10-10

Parallax 29125 DS1302 Real Time Clock Module provides a real time clock with a 32kHz crystal and an on-board battery backup.

Dato: 2016-12-01

Parallax 29126 Fingerprint Scanner is an imaging module designed to quickly and accurately capture, save, scan, & compare fingerprints.

Dato: 2016-12-01

Parallax Propeller Activity Board WX features a built-in 8-core Propeller P8X32A microcontroller, 64KB EEPROM and a 5MHz crystal oscillator.

Dato: 2016-02-02