Analog Devices Inc. LT6654BX 2.5V Precision Voltage Reference operates from voltages up to 36V & is fully specified from -40°C to +175°C.
Dato: 2019-09-24Linear Technology / Analog Devices DC2631A Demonstration Circuit is a six-phase, dual output current mode synchronous step-down switching regulator controller.
Dato: 2019-09-24Analog Devices Inc. HMC560A GaAs MMIC Double Balanced Mixers are used as upconverters or downconverters from 22GHz to 38GHz in a small chip area.
Dato: 2019-09-24Analog Devices Inc. HMC784A High Power SPDT Switches are for use in transmit-receive applications requiring very low distortion at high input signal power levels.
Dato: 2019-09-23Analog Devices Inc. HMC8411 Low Noise Amplifier is a gallium arsenide (GaAs), monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT), low-noise wideband amplifier.
Dato: 2019-09-19Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADMV8432 Evaluation Board for ADMV8432 is used in the evaluation of the ADMV8432 bandpass filter with selectable pass band frequency.
Dato: 2019-09-18Analog Devices Inc. ADMV8416 Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) is a tunable band-pass filter that features a user selectable pass-band frequency.
Dato: 2019-09-18Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADMV8416 Evaluation Board for ADMV8416 is used in the evaluation of the ADMV8416 bandpass filter with selectable pass band frequency.
Dato: 2019-09-18Analog Devices Inc. AD8432 Dual-Channel Ultralow Noise Amplifier features low-power, ultralow noise with selectable gain and active impedance matching.
Dato: 2019-09-18Analog Devices Inc. ADMV8420 Tunable Band-Pass Filters are monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) that feature a user-selectable passband frequency.
Dato: 2019-09-13Analog Devices Inc. ADMV8420-EVALZ Evaluation Board is ideal for getting started on development with the ADMV8420 Tunable Band-Pass Filters.
Dato: 2019-09-13Analog Devices 3D TOF Development Platform
Dato: 2019-09-09Analog Devices EVAL-ADM3063E Evaluation Board allows for quick and easy evaluation of the ADM3063E 500kbps, RS-485 transceiver with standard, 14-lead SOIC_N footprint.
Dato: 2019-09-09Analog Devices EVAL-ADM3068EEBZ Evaluation Board allows for quick and easy evaluation of the ADM3068E 50Mbps, RS-485 transceiver with a standard, 14-lead SOIC_N footprint.
Dato: 2019-09-09Linear Technology / Analog Devices DC2685B Demonstration Circuit is a 4-port Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) that consists of DC2684A-B (daughter card) and DC2683A (motherboard).
Dato: 2019-09-05Analog Devices DC2966A Demonstration Circuit shows the LTC3376 4-channel configurable buck regulator operating in configuration CFG [3:0] = 0000.
Dato: 2019-08-28Analog Devices ADA4558 Bridge Sensor Signal Conditioner IC provides digital nonlinearity correction and temperature compensation via internal or external sensed temperatures.
Dato: 2019-08-23Analog Devices DC2112A Demonstration Circuit is a high-input voltage, high-efficiency synchronous monolithic buck converter featuring the LTC3649 in a 28-lead UFD package.
Dato: 2019-08-22Analog Devices DC2004A Demonstration Circuit is a synchronous step-down regulator using the power-saving LTC3622EMSE monolithic buck regulator in a 16-lead MSE package.
Dato: 2019-08-22Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-CN0418-ARDZ Shield provides a complete, fully isolated and highly flexible, 4-channel analog output system.
Dato: 2019-08-21